Amy Devlin*
Over the years I have accumulated vintage magazines for my practice. Here, I was confronted by how the media fetishizes women, using their bodies as a selling tactic. As a response, I constructed these hybrids, incorporating domestic objects with the female form. A critique towards the tradition roles the western patriarchy society places on women. The incorporation of text, parodying advertising slogans, analyses the persuasive language used by the media in order to sell us their capitalist ideals as if they a natural part of life. The scary art is we are buying it.
Recently I have begun experimenting with the idea I could use my collages to create more dramatic narratives, using stop motion techniques. Through these stories I wanted to address the social and political issues that we, particularly by those in the West, turn a blind eye. This led me to the theme of the apocalypse, a rather fitting genre, given the current situation. As the Latin translation of apocalypse means to uncover or lay bare, it feels appropriate that my animations be used as cautionary tales, as a mirror to hold up and reveal the consequences of our actions.
*part time student not graduating this year
Installation photographs by Paul Marshall